Tonight was ski club night for my 11 and 14-year olds. They both do the snowboarding and just love it. My 14-year old is learning it for the first time. She's getting good enough to go down some of the hills that her more experienced friends can go down. Luckily, though, she's also a scaredy-cat. She's afraid of heights. She won't go on any high rides at amusement parks. I don't have to worry about her doing anything stupid while snowboarding.
My 11-year old has been snowboarding for a few years now. He's passionate about it. Without my knowing, he told the instructors that he's good enough to learn jumping, so they put him in the group that teaches jumping. He told me he's so good he can't believe it. He wants to constantly improve. He doesn't have the fear. This is why he wears a helmet. I tell him ALL THE TIME, "Be super carefull! Please don't do anything stupid!". "I won't, mom." I know he doesn't think he'll do anything stupid.
I'm usually not a worrywart. I don't know why. I'm careful. I make sure my kids are careful, but I just don't worry that much. Snowboarding worries me. I remember when I was little. My friend's older sister was in the ski club at school and broke her leg. People ride into trees and get seriously hurt (but I can't say the "D" word on my blog). One of my neighbors is a senior in high school, and he is an instructor at the ski resort. He's even going to college in Colorado to take up something about snowboarding. He loves it too. I ran into him this afternoon at Best Buy. He wasn't in school, and was on crutches. I told him, "Please don't tell me you did that snowboarding!". "Yes", he said, and he told me how he ran into a tree while snowboarding in Oregon with his freinds. He ripped his leg in a few places. He just had surgery yesterday and won't be able to walk for 6 months. I felt sick. My kids have ski club tonight!
Well, my kids came home fine, other than some bruised up knees. Then my daughter said, "Guess what happened tonight?". I didn't think I wanted to know. I didn't. One of the boys in her class forgot his helmet and crashed. He got a concussion. She didn't know exactly what happened, but he wasn't on the ski bus home. I love how my kids get the chance to do this, but I hope I'm not making a mistake. I know a lot of people are skiers, but I also know a lot of people get seriously hurt skiing. Only three more weeks of worrying left.
My DH keeps telling me he wants to take the boys skiing, and in my mind all I can picture are injuries!
My middle son has started snowboarding, and loves it. I hope your kiddos have fun and stay safe!
Maybe your children should get to know the neighbor boy~ it might make it a reality flash...or maybe not. I am way to chicken to take up skiing, I live in Michigan and everyone skies...except me~ I sip the hot chocolate.
In that respect, I am glad I have only girls! When I hear of the things that Eric used to do, I can't imagine how his mom didn't have a heart attack! He used to ride his dirt bike all over tarnation risking his life in more ways than I am sure his mom knew about.
Just wait until your boy wants to play football. He has the body type. Eric's mom was lucky, at 85 pounds dripping wet, football wasn't an option for Eric.
I guess it is just boy thing. I think it is great he is like that! Just a typical boy.
Eric will be proud.
I'm scared of skiing. I started when I met my husband although it's been two years since I've gone. Having Thomas got me out of it :) I have a helmet too. It looks silly but I'm afraid to go without it. Kids have no fear when it comes to the mountain!
Good Luck :)
I worry all the time when I take my kids skiing and they are still on the green trails! I know exactly how you feel!
Have a worry-free weekend :-)
As moms, it's our job to worry. It keeps the kids safe at times. But I think this ski club is probably a great experience. If you've taught them how to stay as safe as possible and to mind their instructors then you've done all you can.
It comes with the territory doesn't it? Worrying ... and once you start, you can't stop! x
My boys would love skiing. Unfortunately we live in an area that they can't have that type of adventure. I wish we did though.
I am so looking forward to my boys playing sports and being active. Sure mom's worry. It's our job to.
I love football and want at least one of my boys to play. I have a son (my 7 year old), the doctor we take him too told us that he will be about 6'3 or 6'4. I am really wanting him to get involved with Football...
You know I have never been skiing. Am I missing out?
I don't know there's any way to tackle this one...I think you worry no matter what..we don't have a lot of skiing here, but kids can get hurt just as easily playing any sport. I think all you can really do is hope and pray they stay safe and know that this is one of those growing pains you both have to go through...I'm already worrying about 4 years from now when I'm going to hand over the keys to my car for the first time...LOL
I worry way too much. When I start doing this I try to remember for instance with skiing, how many people don't get hurt. It sounds like you're being smart though by making them wear helmets.
I think it's great you have the means to let your kids have that experience. Most of my friends skiid (spelling?) in middle school and high school and they always seemed to have so much fun, and no one I knew ever got hurt (thankfully!). I never did it, I have no desire to EVER do it, and I have a hard time picturing myself letting my children either (financially, for one, but mostly because I'm afraid they'd kill themselves or get lost on the mountain or something!!). KUDOS to you for letting them spread their wings and try something and do well at it
Oh, I don't blame you for worrying, I would be nervous about that, too. I guess we can only protect them just so much, we have to let them go and experience things, even if they might get hurt. It sounds like your son is a natural at snow boarding, though! You may not think they are listening when you tell them to be careful, but they are. I'm sure they're both as careful as they can be. Being a mom is no easy task, is it? :) Hang in there, only a few more weeks to go!
Thanks for the kind words you left yesterday, I really appreciate it!
We are a real family of skiiers and I sometimes worry about this but we have gotten so much pleasure from it so I think that has to outweigh the risk...
You make me laugh, worrying about your kids. I remember when your, now 14 yo, was about 1 1/2 and I was afraid to let go of her on the swings. You just laughed at me and told me you have to learn to let them do things. Althoguh I would worry about snowbaarding too. It's so much more different than down hill skiing. I wouldn't even attempt snowboarding. YOur 11 yo is a smart kid, try not to worry.
i went through the same thing when my middle son insisted he wanted to play football...football! where kids get concussions, and broken collarbones, and fractured arms, and broken necks!
thank goodness there is no snow for skiing down here...i already have too much to worry about!
God bless.
I am not an athlete, including skiing. My brother, on the other hand, is the extremist. He takes so many risks, but loves his life. I say if they're being careful and having a good time, just stay at home and pray while they're gone. ;)
I think it's awesome that they are doing something they love! As moms, we worry ALL THE TIME! But they could fall off their bike or trip down the stairs or slip in the shower. You never know what could happen. Live life!
Oh, I know exactly how you feel. Yikes! Injuries!!!
i am hopeful my kids will share in my hatred of all things cold and snowy. however since my oldest let my 6 year old watch skates of fury (?) with will farrel...he wants to ice skate so he can be a sex tornado. whhhaaattt??? the d word???
I how I hate snow too! I see no reason for it. Injuries freak me out as well. I'm with you on this one!
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