*1. One book that changed my life: A Travel Guide to Heaven. My sister gave this to me to read and it was very uplifting. It makes you think about our ultimate goal, getting to heaven. He uses quotes from the Bible to explain what we know about what heaven will be like. It 's very exciting.
*2. One book that you have read more than once: All the What to Expect books. I read them all 4 times for my 4 kids.
*3. One book that you want on a desert island: I'd have to say the same as GrandmaK - The Holy Bible.
*4. One book that made me laugh: I guess I don't read many funny books, but the closest to that would have to be Growing Up Brady. I hate to admit I have a Brady fascination. That was a pretty funny book.
*5. One book that made me cry: Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul. I hated the sad stories, but loved the happy ones. I also have to say Let's Roll. You remember that one.
*6. One book I wish had been written: Hm. I guess I can't think of any!
*7. One book I wish had not been written: The Chamber by John Grisham. You keep reading the book thinking he'll somehow escape going to the chamber, but he doesn't. It's too sad.
*8. One book I am currently reading: Harry Potter. I can't get enough of them.
*9. One book I've been meaning to read: The Appeal by John Grisham! I'm so excited he has a new courtroom battle book coming out on January 29! John Grisham is my absolute favorite author. I've read every one of his books (actually except Playing for Pizzas). My husbands uncle gave me a gift certificate to Border's for Christmas so I'm going to buy it the day it comes out.
Playing for Pizza was really quite good considering it wasn't a courtroom drama.
Would you be shocked to know I've never read a single John Grisham book - I'll have to add him to my 'authors to look out for' list. x
What fun! And thanks for the tag!
I read Grisham for awhile, then stopped after Rainmaker. I hated that he couldn't make up his mind one way or the other. I was much younger then, more idealistic. But I stopped reading. Maybe it's time to pick him up again. :)
I like John Grisham, too. I got my husband his latest book, "Playing for Pizza". Lisa tagged me for this book meme, which I am still working on. Thanks for sharing, and God bless!
You have a Brady fetish?? I love when I learn UNIQUE thinks about fellow bloggers!!
It's been so long since I read an adult book, I wouldn't be able to answer any of those questions without referencing Dr. Seuss or Susan Boynton.
Good job! My girls keep begging me to read all the Harry Potter books - I need to get on that. Take care. Kellan
this one is really interesting...I might have to put this off for a day so I have time to think about it...thanks so much for tagging me..
That would have been a hard one for me to answer!! I've long since given up trying to find time to read, but when I do grab a few minutes here and there, it's with a nice brainless trashy romance novel. LOL
I'm reading the Harry Potter series for the 4th time. I like John Grisham a lot too. I'm not sure if I'm up to date on him, but I haven't read any of his sports stuff (yuck) I like the courtroom stuff, but I did major in Criminal Justice. Lately I've been too busy to do any book reading.
Thanks for the tag! You said you tagged me for another one, but I can't find it...which one was it?
The Twilight series is really really really really really good, and I got the first bood for Christmas and am halfway through the third one now. They are all in the 500 to 700 page range, so you can probably tell how good they are by how fast I am devouring them. I'm not going to tell you what they are about though, run to your library and check them out! :) (they are by Stephenie Meyer) Happy reading!
You know I meant the first *book* right? Silly typos!
And I like Grisham too...have you read Dean Koontz? He's more relatable to Stephen King I guess...do you like scary?
I did a list of my favorite authors--but I love JOhn Grisham too--is that a new one?
I like the Testament a lot.
Another tag! I still didn't do the one you tagged me for a few weeks ago! Maybe I will try it today....maybe...
That's a really great list! I'd like to read the "Travel Guide to Heaven", sounds interesting, I'm into books like that. I don't really read mystery/murder type stuff, more of a romantic, I guess. I'll stick to my trashy romance novels! :)
Thanks for the tag! I love reading but haven't had time lately. Maybe I'll give this a few months to get some reading done! LOL
I like Grisham, too, but only get what our tiny library has available.
You're hooked on Grisham like I am on Mary Higgins Clark or Anne Perry's mysteries. You know I forgot until today when I read your list that I have re-read Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie more times than I care to admit!!! Good for you!! Cathy
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