Well, this has been such a busy weekend, and tomorrow is still activity filled. I wish I had some time to just read and blog! Last night was the Boy Scouts pine derby race. My son and husband, mainly my husband, worked so hard on their car. They painted it real nice. They added weights to it. They made sure the wheels worked good. There were four kids in my son's group. My son's car came in... fourth place. He was pretty disappointed. They gave ribbons to the 1st, 2nd , and 3rd place winners of his group, so he sat off to the side and watched. Pretty pathetic looking. He said, "Mom, I can't believe I didn't win!" I told him I couldn't either, because I know how hard they worked. The only consolation was that the top 3 winners of the whole place were the kids that my son raced in the first round with.

This morning was multicultural day at the museum with the Boy Scouts. We took our youngest with us. The only part my son liked was the cave with the slide. He was not at all interested in learning about other cultures.

Next it was off to basketball. My 7 year old played first. If you didn't read my post about what happened with his team, to make it short, we never got a call from his coach. When I finally got a hold of him, he said our last name was spelled wrong and our phone number wasn't listed. They already had some practices and 3 games. Today was only his second game with the team. He did great today! He wasn't nervous and jumped right it. He even made his first basket! He told me, "Mom, can you believe that I'm so good?" "Uh, sure!" I sure was surprised he made that basket!

After that was my 11 year old's game. Luckily it was right after my other son's game and in the same school. After being sick for a whole week, he was weak. He had no energy. When the team was running down the court, he actually walked. I'm just happy he's feeling better. I know it will take a while to get his strength back.
Tomorrow, after church and our church breakfast, we see Disney's Princesses on Ice! I'm pretty excited. I know my 3 year old will just love it. I'm going to take pictures. Has anyone else seen it? I can't believe, though, that I kind of can't wait for this weekend to be over. I need some time!
Maria!! so nice to see pictures!! Yes I have gone to Disney Princesses on Ice, I know I have boys, but I went with my friend and her daughter..I loved it and yes so will your 3 year old!Glad to see everyone's feeling better..I left you something at my blog and finally answered the book thingie..what is a meme anyway?
Sounds like a busy kid weekend- what a dedicated mom you are! Have fun at Princesses on Ice- my daughter would have loved that when she was three.
Gosh, I feel tired from just reading about it! x
Take a bunch of pictures! I didn't take nearly as many as I should have, of course, I had a 2 yo in my lap the whole time. She loved the show, but refuses to sit in her own seat. Anyway, when we got home, our 6 yo studied the pictures like crazy. I think she was trying to relive it. I wish I would have gotten a picture of each of the princess stories. Anyway, I wouldn't mind some copies of your pictures if you get some good ones!
and i thought my weekend was busy!!! wow! hope you get a little down time. enjoy your sunday!
Wow, you really have been busy!! Boy Scouts, sports and princesses, oh my! Hope you enjoy the show today and get some downtime when the kids go back to school tomorrow!
I empathize with you completely. From 1978-1984 I was den mother for my three boys. Then there was basketball, cross-country running, track and golf for all five. This is truly a never-ending story. But enjoy it while you can. Sooner than you think they will be grown and gone. Would not have traded one minute of being a part of their "little" lives!!! God bless you for your endurance and may he give you the strength to carry on...Cathy
Youre schedule makes me want to take a nap!! How DO you do it?
Hallie :-)
princesses on ice! i can't wait till ava is old enough. bummer on the pine wood derby. those cars are alot of work!
How nice that the basketball scheduling worked out so well :) Lots of games, here, too!
Hope you had a fun Sunday!
Your weekend was pretty busy! I have never been to disney on ice but I know I would love it!! I love everything about disney! Hope you get some me time in soon!
Geez, Maria... sounds so tiring. I thought it gets easier when the kids get older. you are supposed to be my role model. Write about how easy your days are. Okay? thanks!
i wanted to go see disney's princesses on ice, but with all boys no one would go with me. now, if the every do Lord of the Rings on ice...
have a wonderful time! God bless.
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