I'm constantly telling my kids (even daddy kid) that they HAVE to clean up after themselves. I honestly don't mind doing the cooking, cleaning, and laundry when I don't have to stop and pick up first. Once I told them that maybe we just won't pick up after ourselves anymore and I'll randomly choose one person to go around the house picking up after all 6 of us. "No way!", they say. "Well what do you think I do every day!"
Each kid has different chores to do. My 14 year old empties the dishwasher on the days there is no school, cleans up the kitchen after dinner, irons, feeds the cat, and babysits whenever I need her. My 11 year old picks up the toys at the end of the day, clears the table after dinner, takes out the garbage, brings the garbage cans in on trash day, and shovels the sidewalk. My youngest two just are suppose to do any chore that I give them. All the kids are supposed to make their beds every morning and clean up after themselves. This morning no one's bed was made. Their wet towels are laying on the floor. There are boots and pants on the floor by the door. The kitchen had food on the floor and around the sink. There's clutter everywhere. Can you tell I'm upset here? Not only that, they go to ski club right from school today, so they won't be home until late!
OK. They're in trouble now. I think it's time to start deducting from their allowance. The punishment for leaving towels on the floor is having to carry up ALL the laundry. No one's going anywhere tomorrow until everything is done! I guess I'll just stay home and clean all day, after I take my son his ski equipment to school. Or maybe not!
Having a bad day dear? I was going to give you a call.....but now I am not sure.....
Oh, the joys of motherhood!
I have days when I feel like that.... Oh, wait, it's EVERY DAY that I feel like that! Except I only have 1 child who's old enough to help (and it's limited help, at that!), so it really is up to me to get it all done. Some days I feel like throwing everything into the incinerator. (ha, ha)
Really, it's no laughing matter. I say deduct the allowance, hide the toys for a few days, throw away clothes, do whatever it takes,... Easier said than done, eh?
Sorry. :-( Sucks to be mom sometimes. Hope your day gets better!!
Clutter seems to multiply doesn't it. I get tired of always having my kids to do their chores also. Sorry your having a tough day.
Wow, I could have written this post myself. Though I only have one kid, I still can't believe the mess that comes along with her. I mean really what are we moms? Unpaid maids.
I hope you can whip the kids into shape and remind them that you need their help. Good luck!
The only thing I can add is that I know how ya feel. :)
Sometimes it feels like a neverending treadmill of mess doesn't it? At least it does here. x
Yep - a mothers job is never done - or any fun!!! I have the same troubles over here at my house. Take care. Kellan
I hear you! My pet peeves are kids of all ages expecting momy to do all the work. ARRRGGGHHH
I hear ya! Oy, the laundry pile!
I'm tempted to just quit doing it altogether until every last stitch of clothing has been used up. THEN tell them that this is the way it will always be if they don't get their wet/dirty clothes all the way out to the laundry baskets in the laundry room.
I feel your pain, truly I do!!! I could do nothing but laundry all day and I still don't think I'd ever be fully caught up. And you clean one room, someone comes along and messes it up while you're off cleaning another room. SIGH. I'm guessing that's just all part of having three little kids... LOL
I gave my older two (3 and 5) the chance to clean up the playroom, gave them additional warning that I would clean up if they didn't, and then went in, bagged up EVERYTHING that was on the floor and hauled it out the garage, where it stayed for an entire week. Wanna guess who cleans up the playroom when I tell them if they don't, I will????
Thanks for the laugh, it's nice knowing I'm not the only one that struggles to keep the house clean, despite being home.
Oh girl do I ever hear you. 24 hours never seems to be enough for me. I think it's great how you are teaching your children responsibility. If only more parents were like you! Thanks for visiting my blog.
I so know how you feel...If you need to be tough to get your point across then that's what you've got to do...I'm so sorry you had a bad day, I hope it's gotten better!
Heh, it is so easy when you have three kids under 5.
I just tell them that whatever is on the floor (bedroom, bathroom, playroom) will be vaccummed up when they are asleep. Boy, do my kids clean up. How long do you think this will last for? :)
Yes, it is a GE. And it is always empty. We too, wait until everything is gone, before shopping. It makes for a creative menu!
WOW!!! I hope your day got better. I know how you feel. I don't know if I'll ever catch up on laundry. I only have one child who is not in school and I have a "pile" everywhere. I work full time so I get even more overwhelmed at times. I know that MOMS ROCK and kids and hubby's couldn't do it without us!!!
Oh, wow, this is the dilemma of the ages, isn't it? I have six at home most of the time and we homeschool, so we have a full house 24/7. Agh! It never ends. I just have to keep reminding myself it's better than a clean but lonely house. Bless you! There'll be better days. &:o)
I think you are on the right track. And the next time they go off to school with beds undone, etc, well, why not let them stay in their rooms when they get home until dinnertime (unless, of course, they like to stay in their rooms)? Or if they don't get home because they had Ski Club, why not ground them from the next meeting of Ski Club?
I'm the meanest. But they don't take you seriously if it's all talk, talk, talk. They tune us out. Actions speak more loudly than words. I get most of my ideas from John Rosemond. I really love his advice on the Homework Hassle.
This is a constant struggle in my house too! Every now and then everything works, everyone helps, and life is so good, but those are rare. i'm always trying something new to keep things rolling, but it is hard.
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