Tonight we went to my mom's house for dinner, like we do almost every Sunday. My mom's neighbor, who live across the street, had just passed away a few days ago from cancer. She told me that she had just found out that her other neighbor, who lived two houses down from, her had died on the same day as her other neighbor. I told her, "Don't tell me, from cancer?". She didn't know. I can't believe how many people I have heard of who had cancer lately. My friend lost her father and father-in-law to cancer in the past year. My 11 year old has two friends who lost a parent to cancer in the past year. Two people about my age at church have been diagnosed with it. It seems like I've been reading about it a lot on people's blogs. It scary.
But, anyway, my 11 year old, who was standing by listening, asked us, "How do you get it, or what can you do?". My mom told him that there are cancer cells in your body all the time. Then I noticed him eating the strawberries. I told him, "Eat strawberries. I heard strawberries referred to as cancer fighters, because they can actually kill the little cancer cells in your body before they do anything." To which my son replies:
"I can't wait for golfing!"
We burst into laughter. Maybe he's avoiding a tough subject, or it's over his head, but one things for sure, he can go from one subject to the next without batting an eyelash! Leave it to the kids to lighten things up!
Hi, Maria!
I enjoyed your story, kids really do have a great outlook on things don't they? Thank god, or we'd all be a depressed mess! :) It is scary when you hear so much about cancer and illnesses, even for adults. I guess the best thing we can do is take good care of ourselves, eat right, excercise, etc. (and when all else fails, change the subject!)
BTW, thanks for the tuna recipe, it sounds really good! With lent starting in a week I'm always looking for something different to eat besides grilled cheese sandwiches and fish fillets. Also, I really like your blog's new "look", it's very cute! The picture of you is great, schnaupps and all! I actually imagined you to have short dark hair, I have no idea why, though! (that probably sounds really weird!) Maybe because you said you're a runner, figured you'd have short hair, I dunno! :)
Take care! (I got a new laptop this weekend, yay! shouldn't be having anymore "technical difficulties", I hope!)
Yep, they do that don't they? You wait though, if he wants to talk about it some more, he'll come back to that conversation ;-) x
such a cute perspective he has there! i love what kids have to say. i wish we could think like that!
Funny. :) I love children. I love the way they remind me that simple is better, and more refreshing.
Scary post, sort of...
But thank God that kids are like they are. Can you imagine if they actually did worry about that stuff? Unfortunately, they will have plenty of time to be freaked out about these things, for now, they can just enjoy being kids.
Kids are GREAT for bringing levity to our lives at just the right moments.
I am cancer paranoid because of my family history. Therefore we eat lots of strawberries, red cabbage, tomatoes, spinach, raw honey, and I avoid artificial sweetners at all times.
When my father was sick with cancer I was a lot like your son. It is just too much to worry about, so why bother?
Kids are so cute. Hope that scary cancer stuff stays away from you and yours. I love strawberries!
Funny how they just absorb what they can handle, huh?
Cute kid! I love how kids think about life and their perspective on things. Beautiful photo of the strawberries!
Yes, kids can rebound from anything - hey look over there!
Seriously, I'm glad he wasn't spazzing over cancer, because my daughter is such a worry wart and she would have.
You are such a delight to visit!!! If nothing else you literally brighten my day with all your color!! Thank you!!
Please drop in...I have a gift for you!!! One truly deserved! Cathy
Mmmm . . . strawberries. And golf!
(I'm easily distracted.)
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