I just starting running last summer. I use to think I couldn't run because I never did before. I feel like I'm starting to get old. I'm 37. I want fight it every step of the way, and just grow old gracefully. I learned that you're almost never too old to run. Here's how I did it.
I've always been a walker. I love to go on really long walks. I just started to add in a little running. First I would start out with a fast walk to warm up. Then I would just run from one corner to the next. I would do that just a few times during my walk. Two of my kids took up cross country in the fall, so I started to run with them a little, too. They pushed me to go even farther. Every time I went out (only about 3 times a week), I would go a little farther. I worked up to about a mile. I'm not a marathon runner. I don't want to be a marathon runner. I just want to be ABLE to run and to feel better about myself. One day I sat down on the couch and said, "Oh my gosh! Look at my thigh! It's so much tighter!" I love how I feel so much stronger, from my ankles all the way up. When I first go out, I start to feel tired. Then after I get over that hump and just push myself, I get a burst of energy and feel good.
When I get home from running, I feel so good. It keeps me motivated to eat right and drink more water. After I get back into my routine again, I actually WANT to go running. I don't buy fancy running clothes or read Runner's World, but I like to say that running is one of my interests. I'm proud of myself for learning to do it at my age. So, am I motivating anyone? Are you getting your running shoes on yet?
Good for you for getting out and getting some good exercise. NO you don't have me grabbing up my running shoes, though! LOL When I run, I cough and wheeze and cough and wheeze some more for HOURS afterwards. It's not a pretty site.
I think it's great that your running and I will be more than willing to pat you on the back from here on my nice soft couch!!
Exercise is great, especially when it's not me doing it. ;)
Well, sorry to say.... No. I'm not motivated (ha, ha!).
I'm not really the running kind, but I do like strength-training and aerobics. I would actually love to do some exercise, but my body has some major issues right now. Blah!
But you're awesome for getting up and doing it! Way to go! And Keep it up! I hope it continues to make you happy. ;-)
I'm trying to get motivated. I just got some new running clothes- I hope that helps :)
welll...maybe...LOL...I aspire to go for long walks, but something else always takes priority, but I do hope to start is that something?
Good for you for pushing yourself though.
though i don't consider myself a die-hard runner, i do like to run. i made it 2 times this week for 3 miles each. in the better weather i was running for longer and more frequently. i did about 6 10k races this year as well as a 1/2 marathon. right now, i am just trying to get back into it from my lack of running during my christmas hiatus. happy running!!!
Good for you! You must be so proud of yourself....
Wow, I'm impressed! My girlfriend and I walk four or five times a week (when the weather is half way decent, if it's below say, 20 degrees, fugetaboutit!) We've discussed trying to run part of it, starting out slow like you did. Maybe we'll give it a whirl. How did your knees feel? That's my only worry, all that pavement pounding.
Great job for you!!! I am inspired and know what you are talking about! I just started running in November and having been pushing myself ever since. When I first started I could only run a 1/2 mile. Now at the gym on a treadmill I have gotten up to 3 miles. I hope to do a st. Patricks day run which is 5 miles!!! So I need to grab my running shoes a little more often over the next two months!!!!
Oh, goodness, I'm impressed and just... tired thinking about it. But, really, I've thought about taking up running or at least fast walking, but have bad knees. As Lizzy asked ~ is it hard on your joints? Also, thanks for your kind words over at AWTY this weekend. I can't tell you how encouraging it was to hear from you and everyone with such kindness and support.
Good for you! I have a couple of friends who've taken up running well into their 30s - they love it too. x
Well, running is not on the calendar for me...but I do walk. Put a pedometer on at work for a couple of days and found I walk about 2 miles a day. And my last HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) was 70 (high) That's good. Keep up the good work. Exercise is great for maintaining good heart health and bone density. We women need that!!! Cathy
Good for you! You're right in that if you just get over that initial "I'm tired" or "I don't feel like doing this", then it does start to feel good. I tend to do the same thing in combining walking and running. I actually read somewhere that you can get a better workout by walking for a minute, then jogging for a minute or two. I really work up a sweat doing it this way. I also try to do weights most days of the week.
Have a good run today and God bless.
Good for you! I'm a walker myself, and running is out of the question. There are reasons. But I need to get motivated to exercise, thanks!
Good job! And your comment on my blog, how you'd like to knit but don't know how? That's regarded as a legitimate cry for help by any knitter worth her salt.
Check out yahoo groups and Meet-ups.com for a Stitch'n'Bitch in your area. Show up with size 8 needles and a hank of yarn (easily bought at Michael's or Joanne's). Look helpless. They'll do the rest.
And, I don't knit to save money. I knit to stay sane.
Good for you! That's great that you've sticked to it :)
I use to run. I ran all sorts of 5 an 10k races. Running is the only form of exercise that I get satisfaction from. Unfortunately I have a bad back so I stopped for a while. This past summer I tried to get back into it. I was up to 2 miles and then got lazy. The hardest part for me is just making the time. I did manage to get back on my treadmill last week though. We'll see what 2008 brings! I'm motivated :)
I am not a runner or a walker! I should do either or both, but I hate doing either. I am very proud that you have gotten in the habit and I think it is great. Have fun. Kellan
I want to run soooo badly - if you started at 37 so can I, right?
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm afraid I'm not a runner and never will be. My chest gets in the way, no matter what bra I wear.
Have fun with running, and good luck with knitting. I tried teaching myself. Tip: Use a conventional yarn, something smooth and of medium size. Don't start with that feathery stuff. I'm still not a knitter. :( BUT, if you ever want to take up smocking or tatting, drop me a line!
Good for you! I just got back from the gym myself!
i miss running! bum knees and bun hips=no more running... run a mile for me would ya?
Good for you for getting out there. I am still in the starting slow stage (baby #4 only 4 months) I saw you were a mom of 4 and had to come check ya out. Your children are a bit older, but it's kinda neat to see what I have to look forward to! Nice to meet ya.
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