And Ally at Laughadaisy gave it to me! Thanks for thinking of me Ally!
The rules for being A Roar For Powerful Words recipient are that I share 3 writing tips and pass the award on to 3 more bloggers "worthy of recognition and esteem."
1. Be yourself. Write how you normally talk to people. Don't feel the need to sound like you're something that you're not.
2. Think about what has been on your mind that day, and write about that. (If you can write about that, of course.)
3. Learn from others. Read everything, and see how others write, from books to newspapers to blogs (but not only blogs!).
I never really thought of myself as a writer before I started my blog. It was pretty difficult at first. I've found that it's taken a lot of practice. I'm still not the best writer, but I think of my ideas much easier now, and can write much faster.
I will pass this award on to my sister Irene at Our Little Piece of the the World, Kidzmama at Not a Spare Minute, and Becky at Stuck in Frump, Striving for Fab.
Congrats on your award! You really are a good writer...and I so enjoy your blog!
That sounds like great advice. Congrats on the well deserved award.
My fav part of your blog is you write how you talk. I love when you actually put in coversations.
Congrats on the great writing!
i think you write wonderfully! i love hearing your childrens' stories, especially those of john! maybe i am just partial to him because i have a "john" too!
congrats and well done!
Congrats on the award--great tips! I'm relatively new to your blog, but I enjoy your style immensely! I love bloggers who are clearly themselves--even though you don't know them, you can just tell.
Congrats on the great award!! I liked all of your tips. I love how blogging makes all of us writers - it's so cool that way! Have a great evening - see you soon. Kellan
Congratulations on your award, as you truly deserve it! And thank you for thinking of passing it onto me...I'm honored!
Hi, Maria!
Congrats on your award, and thanks for the writing tips, those are very helpful!
Not to worry...There are no requirements that I know that say you must do a MEME. Have a good evening and take care! Cathy
I really like those guidelines! Very nice.
Congrats! I haven't seen this one either, but it definitely describes your writing. A big thanks for sending it my way as well. I'll have to think hard about three writing tips. Thanks!
Congrats on your award!!
I'm glad to hear that with time the writing gets faster. It takes me all evening to do a post and seriously cuts into my blog reading time!
Congrats on your award!
COngratulations! This seems to be going around like the flu. I got it recently and I still haven't put any time into coming up with some decent tips so they'll probably just be screw up tips, like everything else I do!
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