I've heard so many people say, "Just wait til they become teenagers!". I have to say I agreed with that, but only for a very short time with her. I think when she first entered middle school, she tested the boundaries a little. She was trying to find a place to fit in. I nipped that in the bud! Now, in 8th grade, she is very sure of herself, has lots of friends (nice ones), gets the best grades she ever had, and is a very good girl.
I love her being a teenager. I'm a little sad to see her grow up, but I have 3 younger kids to still watch grow up. Now she's old enough to have lots of conversations with me. We like to watch the same tv shows and movies. She's like my best friend! "Just wait til they become teenagers" has a great connotation for me.
We got her a digital camera and let her have about 10 people over for a party. They all had a great time. It's a good thing we have a basement, though. We put them down there and shut the door tight! They were SO loud! Now I'm letting two of the girls sleep over. I just hope they sleep and don't keep me up. It was a great day, and these supposedly difficult teen years are only getting better.
Awww, how nice. You give me hope that my own daughter will be a 'good' teen. Only problem is, I don't have a basement? :-O x
Seriously jealous, here. I think each teenager is different. My oldest (a boy) is great and mature and responsible. The 14-year-old girl has been a more complicated experience, to say the least. And she still hates me.
But it is nice to still have littler ones around - makes it easier to let those older ones grow up!
That is so sweet. I have always had (and still do) a wonderful relationship with my mom. She ismy best friend.
I also can't believe she is 14! HOLY COW! Only a few more years and we are talking colleges!
So..did you get any sleep?
What a nice post about your daughter! Its so nice that you have such a great relationship with her :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Honestly my troubles as a teen started shortly after I turned 14. That's when depression, low self esteem, etc. set in and I started flunking all my classes. Luckily I pulled out of that phase within a few years.
I hope things keep going well with your daughter.
I hope all my girls are my best friends like yours is. Please give me any tips you would think I may need!
Congrats...14 years! Where do they go anyway?
Oh, and I HATE the dentist too!
Happy birthday to your daughter and so glad you guys had such a great day!
I've got my oldest turning 14 in a month and a half. I've felt some of the same things!
middle school years really seem to be the hardest. my oldest will be 16 in a month...so far so good.
It is amazing to me that Katherine is now the age that we (more or less) were when we first met! Time sure does fly.....I am not surprised that she is bright and a good girl.....I think she had very good role models :))
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