Oh, I feel so much better today. What a beautiful day out! It's sunny and 33'. Yes, that's a beautiful day for us Northerners during the month of February. I'll never forget a few years ago, waiting for my neighbor to pick up the kids for school. It was February, sunny, and I sat on my front steps with my coffee in my hands. My neighbor pulled up in the driveway, rolled down her window, and said, "Are you enjoying this beautiful day?". I laughed. "Yes I am, but it's pathetic because it's only 30' out!". For those of you who live down south, or in Texas Kellan, this is a nice day for us!
I went for a jog/walk for 45 minutes, Amy. The sun was shining on my face. The birds were actually chirping! I was so happy I couldn't find the MP3 player. It was very quiet, too. No cars around. Going for a walk in the morning really keeps me motivated to eat better during the day.
One basketball game down. One more to go. Then my husband and I are off for dinner at The Texas Roadhouse. It's our favorite restaurant. I always get the ribeye and ribs combo with a side of chili and rice. They have the best homemade rolls with melted butter and cinnamon on top. We always ask for extras and bring home lots of leftovers for the kids. My youngest said to me, "You never take me!". "Uh, yeah, and your point is...?"
After dinner we're going to take a drive through a pretty neighborhood that I like and get some ideas for landscaping our front yard. I want to plant a lot of trees this summer, and want to get some ideas for where to put them.
About the homework problems from yesterday, everything worked out fine. My son didn't even have his spelling test because the teacher was out sick. My daughter didn't have to give her teacher my note about not finishing her homework because she didn't check everyone's homework. She also didn't need to have her language arts reading done because they ended up doing something else in class yesterday. She still has her test on Monday, but she feels a ton better about it now.
After going for that nice walk this morning, I thought, "What was I so upset over? " I'll try to remember this during our next crisis.
Good for you Maria! I'm pleased you feel happier. x
congrats on your run! hope you and your hubby had a great night out!
i loved the sun today. it completely improved my mood!
Running is so clarifying!
We enjoyed great weather today too. I took the kids for a walk to the park for the first time since fall.
Glad you had a great day. Isn't it amazing what a little sunshine can do?!?! We have sun today..........it feels great! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
What's it say when we think 30 some degrees is "nice" weather? Spring, hurry up!
I'm glad you're enjoying your nice weather. I on the other hand would be freezing my tail off at 33 degrees! :0) Guess that's why I live in South Texas!
I have to agree, it really does feel nice out when it is 35 and sunny! We have a day like that today before another snowstorm hits us tomorrow!
I'm glad you're feeling better. Good weather can do wonders. I need to go walking in the mornings, that sounds like a good plan.
Funny how 33 seems warm now. It does when the sun is out.
Glad to hear the sun brings a smile.
I chuckled all the way through the ...Its a nice day in Pennsylvania. I grew up there....and then spent most of adult life in Texas...so I understand.Thanks for reminding me of that. Colleen
We all have days like that! Glad you're feeling better, and way to go for running! I eat better, too, when I've exercised, makes me feel like I'll be undoing the good I did if I cheat! We had nice weather for two days (count em, two) and now tonight they are predicting another snowstorm, ugh! Oh, well,..I figure winter can't last tooo much longer!
I'm glad you had a good day and got to go to dinner at Texas Roadhouse (we, of course, have those here too and I love it too!)!
And ... 33? I'd be so bundled up you couldn't even see my hands or eyes - I'd not venture out much if it was 33 - NOPE! I'm glad you enjoyed the "heat wave"! Hope it's a good week for you too!
See you soon. Kellan
Enjoy that day! Sometimes the sun feels great weather it's truly warm or not. Something about the brightness of a sunny day just makes you feel much better...
Glad all the homework stuff worked out!! hurray!
I wouldn't mind walking in the cold either, if I could just get a little sun..it's a soggy slushy mess here..glad your homework problems are getting better
How funny how a cold winter makes 30-40 degree weather seem warm! Today was nice here too! The thing about not getting so upset is one of the keys to being a mom, and so hard under pressure. It will all blow over! I'm still working on that one.
I could feel your cheeriness through your post! Glad you had a great day. God bless.
You are so lucky. Today in Toronto it's snowing and cold and this week the weather is going to be freezing again, with high wind chills. We'd do anything for better weather right now.
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